Hurley J. MacDougall
Sport: Multisports
Year Inducted: 1988
Hurley J. MacDougall was always interested in sports, and was very much involved in coaching, managing and organizing hockey, softball, and broomball leagues and teams over a period of 20 years.
After his retirement from the workforce in 1969 (due to work-related injuries and disease), Hurley made the decision that he had to do something to help himself lead a useful and productive life. Feeling he could contribute toward making young people better citizens in the community, Hurley joined the Optimist Minor Football Program in 1960 and for the next 17 years played a major role in the building and expansion of that program.
During his tenure the league grew from four bantam teams to 12 in three categories – atom, peewee, and bantam – ages 8 to 16. Over 2500 boys participated during that time.
With expansion, additional facilities, including a club house, became necessary. Hurley played a prominent role in lobbying and soliciting funds for this project, and also acted as equipment manager, director and official on the field during games when required.
For nine years, he was Cornwall’s representative in the North-Eastern Ontario Amateur Football Association, and was recognized with a scroll by this body for his outstanding services and dedication to the advancement of Canadian football in 1976. Among his many other recognition awards was being named Cornwall Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year in 1974.
Before his death, Hurley was a member of the Optimist Club and acted as liaison between the club and minor football.