Jim St. Thomas
Sport: Lacrosse
Year Inducted: 1974-75
In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, field lacrosse was the top sport in Cornwall; it was therefore natural for the young men of that time to devote their spare time playing this game. Jim St. Thomas was no exception.
As a youth, Jim spent many hours developing his skills at the defence position he enjoyed the most. It soon became apparent that Jim was destined to become an exceptional player.
Jim joined Cornwall of the National Lacrosse League in 1910 and for several years starred with this team.
Jim later moved on to play a leading role in the success of the Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto teams of the same league.
In the late 1920’s Jim retired as an active player, returning to Cornwall to coach the North Stars for the next three years.
An all-round athlete, Jim also excelled at baseball as a first baseman with the famous Ives Bedding team.
Jim was an active builder, being one of the founders and executive committee members of Cornwall’s famous Flyers Hockey team in 1930’s.